
Sync Cykel to your apps

Cykel integrates with 100+ popular apps in a few clicks, and supports fast and robust custom integrations

Popular workflows

Explore popular pre-made workflows, or talk to us about a bespoke project

Generate a sales-focused email nurture campaign with AI

Create a sequence of outreach emails tailored to potential prospects based on available data.

Create job-specific nurture campaigns for LinkedIn

Generate a 4 step nurture campaign based on a job description to be send to candidates.

Generate a competitor analysis with AI from LinkedIn and Google

Generate a tailored competitor analysis based on industry and keyword searches in Linkedin, Google and Open AI search.

Generate email summaries from meeting transcripts with AI

Sends a summary of a meeting transcription to the specified email addresses.

Merge duplicate Hubspot records with AI

Review records in Hubspot and combine any containing duplicate information.

Create end of week report from spreadsheet data with AI

Analyse a spreadsheet containing an end of week recruitment report, then generate a summary and email it to selected recipients.